Email design is the art of creating visually appealing and engaging emails that capture your audience’s attention and inspire them to take action. As email design evolves and changes, staying up-to-date with the latest trends can help your emails remain relevant, engaging, and effective. That’s why we’re excited to give you a rundown of the top email design trends in 2023.


This entails using minimal design elements to create a sleek and focused look. It can mean using plenty of white space, a limited color palette, and simple, easy-to-read fonts. A major benefit of using a minimalist approach in email design is allowing your message to take center stage. By stripping away distracting design elements, you can create a clean, focused message that’s easy for your audience to engage with.

Interactive elements

Interactive elements are a hot trend in email design right now, and for a good reason. By incorporating elements like quizzes, surveys, and clickable calls to action, you can create an engaging and immersive email experience that will capture your audience’s attention. It makes your email feel more like a conversation than a one-way broadcast.

Bold typography

This is you using an eye-catching and attention-grabbing design that can greatly impact your audience by helping your message stand out in a crowded inbox. It’s all about using large, bold fonts to create a statement. The key is to choose a typeface that pops and makes your message impossible to ignore. Whether promoting a product, sharing news, or connecting with your audience, bold typography can help you communicate your message.

Dark mode

Dark mode is a trend that’s all about creating emails that are optimized for viewing in low-light environments. By using dark backgrounds and light text, these emails can be easier on the eyes and more visually striking than traditional email designs. One simple way to add dark mode to your email design is to use a dark background with light-colored text and graphics. You can also use color blocking and contrasting colors to make your message stand out.


This approach is about creating emails tailored to each recipient rather than a generic message sent to your entire mailing list. This can help you build a stronger connection with your audience. You can also use data to create targeted and customized content. This includes personalized product recommendations based on past purchases to location-based offers and promotions.

3D Images

By incorporating 3D images into your emails, you can create a truly immersive and engaging experience for your audience. One of the great things about 3D images is that they’re incredibly versatile. You can create 3D versions of almost any image, from photographs and illustrations to product shots and logos. And with technological advances, creating and using 3D images has never been easier or more accessible.


Many exciting new ways exist to create emails that stand out from the crowd and engage your audience. But by keeping up with the latest email design trends and incorporating them into your strategy where appropriate, you can give your emails a fresh and modern look that’s sure to capture your readers’ attention.

At Windy City Web Designs, we aim to provide this for our clients by emphasizing creating websites that can achieve our client’s digital marketing goals. Every step of the way, we prioritize brand identity, growth, and profit-inclined actions. Whether it concerns a website redesign or content creation, we ensure our clients have a good online presence. Contact us here to see how to partner with us.