Your website has been up for a while.

The number of visits is going up, albeit slowly.

But you notice that the visitors aren’t really doing anything.

They browse for a while and then bounce off the site.

How can you get users to stay on your website for longer? How can you grab their attention and boost conversions?

Are these the questions going through your mind?

Well, we’re going to help you answer these questions right now!

Types Of Content To Help Your Conversion Rates:

The conversion rate is the ratio between the number of visitors your website receives, and the number of purchases made.

You need to actively work on your conversion strategy, and here’s how you can do just that:

1.    Videos

In today’s fast-paced world, anything you can do to attract your customers’ attention and make them stop scrolling is a win. This is precisely what videos do.

Try to include interactive elements in your videos and initiate a dialogue with the audience to increase engagement. You can do this by incorporating video software into your videos that allows you to pose questions to your audience and use clickable buttons.

2.    High-Quality Images

Most people around the globe are visual learners.

A captivating image allows website visitors to visualize your product better, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Use high-quality images that are engaging and relevant to the products and services you offer to make your product stand out.

3.    User Testimonials

User-generated content is unrivaled when it comes to boosting your business.

Data suggests that 63% of customers are more inclined to buy from a website that includes user feedback.

The logic behind this is simple. When new visitors see that other customers have good things to say about your product, it will put them at ease and instantly build trust.

You can create a separate tab on your website to showcase the positive things that customers have to say about your product. Try to highlight reviews that consist of images.

4.    Infographics

If you want to make an otherwise complex piece of information easy to understand, interactive infographics are your way to go.

People enjoy learning new things but reading a block of text or glancing at a page full of statistics is tedious and difficult to digest.

Alternatively, infographics are visually appealing, interactive, and display information in a logical and story-like manner.

Turn Clicks Into Customers

Embrace the above-mentioned four types of content to gather leads, convert prospects, and delight your customers.

In case you need professional help to give your business a much-needed boost, Windy City Web Designs has you covered.


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