The worldwide smartphone user base is expected to reach 4 billion by the end of 2021.

People regularly access the web on their phones rather than sitting at their laptop or desktop — and there is evidence to back it up.

Most web designers are already mobile-optimizing their websites, but it doesn’t imply what you have is serving the demands of your users.

To ensure that your website meets requirements, here are a few must-know responsive design best practices that will guide you in guaranteeing that your websites deliver top-level experiences across all platforms in 2021!

Hidden Navigation Menus

Hiding the primary navigation menu on smaller displays is an intelligent approach to keep layouts minimal. The location of the menu is indicated by an icon, text, or a mix of the two.

You have two options: a basic drop-down menu that slides down and covers the main text below or an overlay menu that extends and covers the entire screen.

Balance Font Sizes

The size ratio of headers to body text should be balanced. Big titles look bad on phones, especially if they span many lines. Everything should be scaled to fit.

High-resolution displays on newer smartphones make the text more readable and simpler to read. You can afford to go much smaller on mobile phones and then increase the fonts on a bigger screen.

Optimal Line Lengths

When making a layout bigger on larger displays, keep the line lengths of your content in mind.

It is more challenging to read a line of text that is too long since it is tough to follow line-to-line. Likewise, having lines that are too short disrupts the rhythm of reading since the eyes must shift back and forth too frequently.

Line lengths are typically kept between 60 and 75 characters. This may be accomplished by setting your text sections to a maximum width of 500/700 pixels.

Front-page Important Information

On phones, display phone numbers, contact information, purchase now call to action, and so on at the top. Mobile consumers want information fast, but this works well on any device.

Even though browser widths vary so much these days and the concept of the “fold” no longer exists, placing essential calls to action at the top of the page is still vital. For example, on an eCommerce product information page, the “Add to Basket” button should be accessible to most customers without requiring them to scroll.

Hiding Content On Mobile Phones

You can streamline the interface on mobile by concealing material that would be visible on bigger displays, either fully or by using tabs and menus to show/hide content. This declutters the website on smaller displays and allows users to see all of the vital information, viewing more if desired.

Use Fewer Pictures

Many effects, such as background colours and button hover states, can be done with only HTML and CSS. Pages load faster, which is especially beneficial for smartphones, and less time is spent producing visuals.

Using fonts for your icons eliminates the need to design pictures. They’re scalable, have smoother edges, load faster, and work well with retina displays. This optimization works flawlessly on all devices and displays.

To learn more or if you have any questions regarding marketing, web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.