When it comes to running a successful business, one thing that cannot be overemphasized is marketing. There are hundreds of marketing tools at your disposal in the marketplace, and it is paramount to choose one that promises a stunning outcome.

It includes everything from social media platforms to Google Analytics and lots more. When you make efficient use of these digital marketing tools, you will never have a problem getting your products and services to your ideal market.

  1. Social Media Platforms

As you may have already known, social media is where the party is. Without social media, numerous companies would have gone out of business when the pandemic struck. Gladly, you too can this incredible platform to market your business without having to hire a professional. With Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you can bring your business to your ideal customers without having to sweat for it.

  1. Design Tools

Visual is one of the things you shouldn’t neglect when it comes to marketing. There are lots of design tools out there, and the best at the moment includes Canva and Photoshop. However, you will need to dedicate time to learn how to use them to create something exceptional. With tools like this, you will be able to add dynamic images to your marketing contents.

  1. Analytic Tools

There are lots of analytic tools online, and the most popular at the moment is Google Analytics for your website. As long as you have a Google Account, it is free to use, with a friendly interface. With this incredible tool, you can track your traffic, referrals, search terms, and lots more. In case you want to know the type of devices used by your visitors, GA has got you covered. There are other analytic tools that you can use, like Facebook and Twitter Analytics, which exposes how your contents or business is performing.

  1. Content Marketing Tools

If you’re the type of marketer who’s pretty invested in content marketing, then you should take time to invest in tools like CoShedule and Hubspot. Although these tools are not free to use, they offer an incredible investment return based on their output.

These tools help both in content creation and curation, which you need to keep your ideal visitors engaged and interested in your business. Buffer also offers similar features, thereby allowing you to see what your fans are talking about.

  1. Email Marketing Tools

Virtually everyone who uses the internet has an email account, making email marketing one viable route to utilize when it comes to marketing. However, which tool is best when it comes to marketing using email? There are tons of them, and they include MailChimp, Iterable and a host of others. Most of these email tools are not free to use; they certainly offer value for their fee. Through email marketing, you keep your subscribers engaged and on the hook.


There are tons of digital marketing tools that you can use. It isn’t necessary to use all, but rather to use ones that promise significant returns for your business. When these tools are efficiently utilized, you will notice intense growth in your marketing endeavour.

To learn more or if you have any questions regarding marketing, web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.