We’re often admonished not to judge a book by its cover. But that rule doesn’t apply in the world of web development, as visual appeal is everything. Your website’s visual appeal plays a vital role in your website’s usability, and you will be making a mistake neglecting this aspect of your website.

Visual appeal has been found to influence the purchase intent and likelihood of a second visit. According to research, users are more likely to trust a website with an appealing design than one cluttered with lots of moving objects and shiny colors.

Here is the importance of visual appeal in web design

  1. Command Attraction

The human mind is wired to like anything visually appealing, and it is the number one ingredient used to attract customers. We all love to look at pretty things, don’t we? So you will be going against your nature by chucking out a mediocre-looking website with lots of broken buttons.

That is why spending tons of money on a web design agency is never a bad idea. Remember, the design is yours and yours to use for as long as your business exists. Why settle for less when you can be more?

  1. First Impression

The first impression is a vital element many have used to attract buyers and consequently seal deals with other businesses. Our first experience when meeting someone can utterly affect our relationship with them for the long term. The same also applies to business.

When you fail to make an impression, the other goes away believing something that you’re not. Small things like your website’s color can determine if a potential customer will buy or ignore it. Things like website speed and the design of your homepage can be things that make an impression.

  1. Evoke Emotions

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words; what of a design that not only consists of images, but text, objects, and gracious use of colors? Indeed, the possibilities are infinite. Your imagination only binds you.

Ensure that your visual appearance invokes the desired emotions, uses images, atheistic designs, and an easy-to-use navigation menu. It has to involves pictures, fonts, and the poetic use of words to communicate.

  1. Simple Is Beautiful

The world of web design is evolving toward minimalism, and that is achieving big with little. You don’t need a lot of colors, moving objects, and text. By incorporating lots of spaces with neutral colors, you’re creating something that not only feels at home but creates the desired effect.

The visual appeal of your website determines the success of your business. Since your website represents your brand, it positively or negatively influences the company based on its visual appeal.


Going the extra mile to enhance your website’s visual appeal and landing pages will go a long way to influence your customers’ buying behavior. It creates trust, evokes emotions, and compels them to buy without hesitation.

To learn more or if you have any questions regarding marketing, web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.