Online marketing is gaining momentum, especially as we look forward to the global coverage of 5G network. What that brings to business is mind-blowing, and it will revolutionize the marketing sector too. AI is also lurking around the corner, which many believe will be the great deliverer in marketing.

Before we start to dream about these futuristic ideas, it is essential to know your current marketing drawbacks and look for ways to mitigate the situation. That, no doubt, will bring growth to your business.

  1. Informing And Spamming

You can’t help it; you keep pushing in lots and lots of emails and hoping to convince your subscribers to buy. We know you want that sale, but repeated emails can be exhausting and appear spammy.

Only send mails when you need to, and consider the rate too. Three mails a week is considered best for many unless you’re sending important notifications like abandoned cart, email change, receipts. Only send emails when you’re sure they need it, even segmenting your subscribers.

  1. Keywords For Traffic

Who doesn’t want traffic? All of us do, and we pray for the numbers to always run-up. It’s a sign that what we’re putting out is getting traction, and that means a lot to us. But in the quest of that mountainous traffic, do not forget the customer.

Perhaps all you do all day is learn tricks on how to improve your SEO game, instead focus on customer UI experience, intent, and the right information for them. When you write for the customer, Google always knows and will rank you higher.

  1. Overpromising And Under-Delivering

If you’re not delivering the value your ad copy promised, you’re likely to lose reputation in the industry soon. There is nothing more damaging than not living up to your audience’s expectations. Cyberpunk has been referred to by many as a colossal failure, and it heightened due to the hype surrounding the product.

Even before the product has been released, they have already amassed millions of subscribers on YouTube, and what the users got was below their expectations, coupled with lots of bugs. Stop overpromising, and focus on allowing your products and customers to do the talking.

  1. You’re Ignoring Social Trends

Social media is not going away anytime soon, and that means incorporating it into your marketing strategy will be a right call. If you’ve been staying away, and focusing on PPC marketing, then you’re losing a lot of juice. Almost everyone is on social media, and TikTok is already becoming the trend, including Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic. If you’ve been ignoring social media, now is time to make up with it and use it for your business.

  1. Ignoring Mobile Experience

Over 75% of internet traffic happens on mobiles, and it will be foolish to not consider mobile expertise when working on your online marketing goals. Even when watching television, 55% of people are still on their smartphones. According to marketing experts, there is a shift in how people pay attention, and the best thing to do is mirror that shift and reach the right audience.

To learn more or if you have any questions regarding marketing, web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.