At the start of any online business, one of the problems often encountered is the right UX design process. But to tackle that, you need first to define the problem and understand what you’re trying to solve.

If you’re going to be working with an agency, you must plan the process before you begin. The goal of a good UX design is to solve the user’s problem and consequently make more profit for your business.

This article will guide you with what it means to design a friendly user interface for your business website or app.

  1. Instead Of Research For Google, Research Users

Every excellent user interface aims to appeal to users and get them to take action. To make that happen, you need to focus on finding out information or products that the user wants. When you discover a problem, you need to look at the requirement and highlight all the questions about the things in doubt. You can integrate many tools to make that happen, such as surveys and polls.

  1. Build A Persona

What is the voice of your business? Do you have any idea what your business looks like if it’s a person you can see? Your brand persona determines your target market. In other words, they are fictional characters that must represent the user type, product, or brand. The key is to express your business in a way that appeals to your target market. When you understand your prospects, you will create focused goals and pain points instead of their behaviors.

  1. Create User Stories And Sitemap

This stage is where you get the party started, and it entails bringing the rest of the team onboard. That includes visual designer, product manager, the VPs, even the developers can join. To make the most of this relationship, you need to make sure that everyone is clear on the goals.

To eliminate confusion, enquire about the reason behind their choice. For instance, you can ask random questions like asking the reason for choosing a specific color. Also, you will need a sitemap. It is to ensure finding pages on your website quickly. Submitting it to Google Console helps in indexing and craw rate.

  1. Create Wireframes And Interaction

In your project, don’t waste time on drawing, but rather focus on exploring the designs. That’s what wireframes help you do. Don’t worry much about if the font is too big or too small; your goal is to explore different designs. The aim is to see what everyone brings to the table, then go for the design everyone seems to agree on.

  1. Metric Analysis

This is the stage where you bring in the UI researcher, as he tests all the designs and discovers the users’ behavior. With this metric, he can develop or make improvements to the design.

Final Words

As your business grows, there will always be an improvement to make. So, keep your team together and connected. There are often some challenges when the company grows. But with a team that understands your goal, they will always know what to do when you need them.

To learn more or if you have any questions regarding marketing, web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.