Many prospective marketers often wonder if email marketing is still alive. Going by the number of emails sent every minute, there is no doubt that this marketing strategy will keep booming before every marketer.

If you run a business and you’re looking for a way to grow your business, then using email marketing will ensure you get the most from your endeavors.

In this article, you’re going to learn some ways to grow your business using email marketing.

  1. Promotion Of New Products

When it comes to introducing your customers to a new product or service, there is no better way to do that if not through email marketing.

Through this medium, you’re able to reach targeted users. When you have a massive email list, you’re confident of getting an incredible email open rate.

  1. Build Customer Loyalty

One credible way to keep your customers intact and focus on your brand is through periodic emails. That way, they remain loyal to your brand.

For this to be possible, there is a need to personalize your emails. A brand that does amazingly well in sending personalized emails is Netflix.

Sometimes, you can send happy birthday messages to your customers, building the bond between customer and business.

  1. Customer Education

Through email marketing, you’re able to educate your customers on your business’s mission and vision. Also, they learn more about the various products and services.

Email marketing will also help you learn about the customer’s pain point and diverse ways to ratify them. One way to make this a possibility is by sending a questionnaire as a form of mail.

The feedback from customers will help you to tailor your services and products to meet their needs. But without email marketing, that can become a hassle.

  1. Email Automation

You might not have the luxury to send every email manually, which is why email automation is an incredible tool that will help you retain your customers and keep them engaged.

When there is a new subscriber, your email provider can send follow-up emails and even send emails when specific actions like cart abandonment.

  1. Brand Awareness

Besides marketing and being in touch with customers, email marketing can help your business buff up its brand awareness to potential customers.

By sending periodic emails containing essential updates, events, or perhaps new offers, you’re able to embed your brand in your customers’ subconscious.


No factor can undermine the tremendous importance of email marketing. It remains a formidable tool in the arsenal of a professional digital marketer.

If you want to get the most from your email campaigns, there is a need to use tools or resources that make it easy to run your campaigns.

Perhaps contacting a marketing agency that helps you run and manage your email list will be ideal. That way, you have time to pay attention to the big picture.

To learn more or if you have any questions regarding marketing, web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.