Search Engine Optimization is a vital aspect that digital marketers don’t joke with. Unlike some marketing strategies, you don’t need to spend a dime to pull it off. However, you will need some efforts and knowledge about how on-page SEO works and how to optimize your pages for the best result.

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing pages on your website so they could rank high on search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Unlike off-page SEO that deals with backlinks and numerous other external factors, on-page SEO prides itself only within the website.

Here are some important ranking factors for on-page SEO.

  1. Page Content

The content of your page is the most critical piece and determines if your page deserves a spot. Good content should be on-demand, and you can know this by using some keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner.

When you discover a high keyword with a considerable search volume, do well to deliver fantastic content on the keywords you want to target. Make your page the best by spying on your competitors and seeing how they handled that topic. After that, grab a coffee and deliver something better and much detailed.

  1. The H Tags

The H tags are significant and allow you to format your post correctly for a good user experience. Your page title often carries the H1 tag. So, you don’t need to use any more of these tags on your page. One H1 tag is enough.

For subheadings, use H2 and H3 tags. When using these H tags, ensure you include some of your target keywords. With this, Googlebot won’t have issues understanding and indexing the page on Google search results.

  1. Image ALT

Images are essential since it makes your page attractive and visually appealing. If you want your images to rank on Google Images, you need to pay attention to Image ALT and include keywords you want to rank.

Since Google isn’t human and can’t understand images, the ALT tag is what it uses to know what the image is all about. So, ensure you optimize your images to your focus keywords.

  1. Page URL

There are lots of ugly URLs on the internet, and please be different. If you’re using WordPress, ensure you set your permalinks not to include a date or any other symbols. Ideally, your keyword should be on your permalink, and the best practice is not including more than five words. The shorter, the better!

  1. Internal Links

Take Wikipedia; for example, every page has tons of internal links that make navigation natural and smooth. Internal linking helps you recommend more posts to your readers, but it also improves your ranking and helps Googlebot index your pages more.


On-page SEO is a concept you need to master, as it would help you create pages that have the potential to rank high on search engines. It isn’t rocket science once you understand how search engines work.

To learn more or any questions regarding web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.