The ugly truth is that people don’t like to wait. They want everything to be fast, smooth and freaking swift. Everywhere you go, you see impatient people grumbling and cutting the line. You don’t need a professor to tell you that it is in our human genes to get what we want when we want it.

The same applies to the online world. If you’re a business with an online presence, then speed is a factor you should pay close attention to.

A fast loading website has a better chance to convert a visitor to a customer almost immediately. But a sluggish site will only meet one thing – the back button.

In case you’re still wondering about this sudden talk on speed, the following points will enlighten you on why your website speed matters.

  1. SEO Factor

There are more than 200 Google Ranking Factors, and among them is speed. Ideally, a fast loading website performs and rank better compared to snail sites.

If you want to beat your competitors and rank higher than you’re already ranking, improving your load speed might do the trick.

Optimize your website as much as you can, because the benefits of such practice are yours alone.

  1. Better User Experience

No website visitor loves a slow website. It is frustrating and annoying! If they stick longer than ten seconds, the chances are that your contents are resourceful.

If you want to get more views, orders, and a bigger email list, improving your website speed might be the tip you need.

But if you’re doing poorly in the speed department, potential customers will use the back button. That is money lost, and your competitors will only smile in return.

  1. Mobile Users

A fast loading website is crucial to mobile users. Like you might have already known, the growth of mobile users is exponential. The fact is, the curve is flying over the chart.

By walking the extra mile to improve your website speed, you will cater to a broad demographic that will change everything.

In this era, mobile users are shopping more frequently, so you must not turn a blind eye to these folks. Boost your site’s speed and watch how your website becomes a buzzing ground.

  1. Slow Website Kills Conversions

As expected, website visitors are ever ready to leave if the website is sluggish. No one has the patience to wait an eternity for a page, especially when there are numerous similar sites.

For the sake of your business’s success, improve your speed, and monitor growth. You will notice a tremendous change, both in page views, orders, and increased customer base.

  1. First Impression

The first impression matters a lot, and speed can be that impression that convinces a potential customer. While building your website, pay attention to speed, and ensure your website isn’t slow.


Through your Google Search Console, you can run a test on your website to know the load speed. Through this diagnosis, you will learn how to improve your website’s speed if it’s not impressive.

To learn more or any questions regarding social media marketing or web design and development, contact Windy City Web Designs today.