For the past few months, the world has been battling with COVID19, with almost everyone observing the social distancing order. Businesses and professionals alike are stuck and in a doldrum on what to do. They keep wondering, “Should I turn off my PPC ads?” “Should I tweak the ad copy?”

If you’re among those wondering what to do in this trying time, then you’re not alone. It is normal to find yourself in such a critical dilemma of not knowing that to do. In that case, here are some tips that would be most beneficial to your business.

  1. Monitor Trends in Your Industry

With Google trends, you would get an incredible insight into how some keywords are rising and falling. Look at some seed keywords in your industry and see its performance. That way, you will be able to formulate a better advertising strategy. If suddenly, the curve is going down, that means you need to pull out and try something new. There is no need to go with a sinking ship since the result would be catastrophic.

  1. Monitor Your Campaigns

You need to evaluate your PPC campaigns for the past few months to identify an anomaly. Is your traffic going down? What could be the cause? Go further to research trends in your industry and make sure there is no new trend overshadowing your keywords. Even though there is a decrease, have in mind that you will not pay unless someone clicks on your ad. So, there could be no cause for alarm.

  1. Tweak Your Ad Copy

Due to the current pandemic, you can leverage this to make your PPC campaign more compelling. You need to tweak your ad copy a little and tailor your products to help your potential customers in this challenging time. A lot of businesses are losing due to this pandemic, while the smart ones are banking big. You can be among the smart ones by ensuring your campaign recognizes the pain the world is going through.

  1. Re-assess Your Keywords

If you’ve been noticing a decrease in CTR, then it is time to brush up your keywords with the latest trends. Make sure that your current keywords reflect your products and service in light of current situations. Find out how the current lockdowns and pandemic is affecting search behavior and try to include these in your campaign.

  1. Prepare for Recovery

Due to the pandemic, you might have canceled some services in your business. In that case, create a new segment in your email database and reach out to customers affected by such an action. Do not forget to make it known when your business would be open again to offer these services. Lastly, revisit your paused ad copy and make changes if necessary. You need to come back stronger than before.

Wrapping Up!

Change is constant, and only those able to navigate this change excel in business. The pandemic might have negatively affected your business, but you can take charge and turn the wheel, thereby leveraging on this change to succeed in business.

To learn more or any questions regarding Pay Per Click Marketing, contact Windy City Web Designs today.