What is the difference between a product and a brand? Many people think there is no difference between the two, but in fact there is actually a huge difference once you dig deeper into what a product and brand is.

Products Show Function

Their properties are combined together to do something for customers. The issue with that is, within any given category most products perform similar functions. Ingredients are ingredients and they tend to be the same across a category. With products they are all about what it can do for people, and fulfill a customers needs. The three key facts of products are: functions, ingredients and needs these are what make up a product.

Brands Show Emotion

Brands offer a promise and an emotion, brands are about how to make people feel happy, to show some sort of emotion. Brands fulfill a customer’s wants. The three key features of a brand are: promises, emotions and wants, these are what make up a brand.

The Big Idea

If you need a product, you’re going to want a brand. A great example of this would be you need a cup of a coffee, but you personally want to go get it at Starbucks. Coffee would be the product and the caffeine would be the ingredient. You could go to McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts, but you need Starbucks, because you know you are going to get that caffeine you need to get your day started.

Starbucks is the brand, and the experience at Starbucks is the emotion you want in the morning. You want a Starbucks coffee because of the unique experience you get and from how it makes you feel.

For more information about the difference between a product and a brand, contact Windy City Web Designs for more details.