Did you know that every hour thousands of website are being published? There are so many useful resources freely available online, that building a website is no longer a daunting task for any designer. Many designers forget about the practical aspect of creating a web site. Here are the most common mistakes that happen when creating a website.

Missing The ‘Search Box’

Websites are full of vital information! A business website or a personal blog it’s essential to have a search box. What most don’t realize is that visitors search for specific information on the website and with the search box in place, your visitors will be able to easily get the information they are seeking. As a helpful hint, it makes sense to get a search function right on the home page of website to make it easy for your users to search your site in an efficient manner. Remember, a missing search box feature on your website could play down its popularity and possibly the usability.

Incorrect Use Of Font

The most critical error that designers tend to overlook while in the process of creating a good interface design is the use of incorrect font. Some designers use unconventional font styles that can eventually make it very hard for the users to read the text on the website. What you can do is ensure the proper font size and format when creating the website.

Incoherent Interface Design

The interface design is what drives visitors to your site. In fact it shows how consistent the interface design of a website is and what makes it a successful or what makes it a failure. It’s been known that many designers do create different designs for every single web page in that site. Having the incoherence annoys the users, compelling them to not want to visit the site again. This is why you need to ensure consistency in the overall look and feel of the website.

Concealed Contact Details

Contact information should be placed on the header or footer of any web page! Designers do not pay attention to this and create a contact page that is not easy locatable. This annoys the visitors and seriously does affect the credibility and popularity of a company and diverts the users away. It’s very important to embed a contact details right on the home page to build the trust and credibility.

Way Too Many Graphics

Having too many graphics (images) on a website can make it look uninteresting. Images are important on a website but using too many images may distract and eventually turn off the visitors. Images are a medium to illustrate various products, and services you have to offer for you business. Only use the correct amount of images.
For more information or any questions contact Windy City Web Designs for more details.