What Is Responsive Web Design

by May 24, 2013Website Design

What Is Responsive Web Design

Have you heard of the latest website trend that is making websites desktop, mobile and tablet friendly by creating one design compatible across all devices? This form of website design is call Responsive Web Design. Essentially, responsive web design is an approach to designing a website that responds to a user’s behavior based on screen size and platform. With responsive web design, when someone visits a website, the site detects the device being used and adjusts itself accordingly for optimal viewing.

Web designers have been building mobile versions of websites for year which could be viewed on smartphones, tablets and other devices,but now there is a paradigm shift of sorts that major brands are now embracing. Starbucks, Grey Goose and even President Obama have websites that embrace the three tenets of responsive Web design: fluid grids, flexible images and CSS3 media inquiries to detect screen resolution.

Designers who like responsive Web Design use fluid grids to lay out a site’s pages. These fluid grids allow the site to be easily viewed on a variety of screens and devices. Flexible images are those that are automatically re-sized to be viewed on any mobile device.

Windy City Web Designs is an advanced web design company that uses all the latest website design platforms and HTML 5/CSS code and now proudly developing responsive websites. We believe in using this responsive web design code and will always create our websites to be up to date.

To read more about responsive web design contact Windy City Web Designs.

By Alisha Lowans
