Is Responsive Web Design Right for You?

by Aug 29, 2013Website Design

Is Responsive Web Design Right for You?

Did you know that mobile usage is projected to surpass desktop by early 2014? Americans spend 2.7 hours on their mobile devices daily, and mobile versions of popular social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have a substantial amount of visits per day. With mobile usage taking over the Internet, it’s crucial to create a mobile presence, but how? Your website should look good on every device possible, so Windy City Web Designs suggests responsive web design.

Instead of creating separate websites specifically for desktop and mobile, responsive website designs insure a good looking website on all devices. This is how it works. Our web designers utilize three things essential to all responsive websites: fluid grids, flexible images, and coding that can detect device features. A responsive website gives visitors an effortless experience, requires a single coding job and less maintenance, and provides greater online visibility. Responsive designs aren’t for every business though. Before pursuing one consider whether your website actually needs it. Determine where your sales are coming from, your business’s design budget, and your website’s size. Also note that responsive designs take longer to construct, usually cost more upfront, and require a mobile marketing campaign that demands as much attention as a desktop campaign.

Despite the downfalls, some businesses might find a convertible website advantageous. 91% of people have a mobile device within reach 100% of the time, and as aformentioned Americans spend a vast amount of time on mobile devices. 21% of e-commerce website visits come from tablets and smartphones, and 67% of shoppers are likely to buy from mobile-friendly sites.

It’s undeniable, the growth of mobile usage and Windy City Web Designs encourages you to update your website to stay competitive online. Contact our team today to get started.
