How to Make Your Website Stand Out

by Apr 10, 2014Google, user friendly website

How to Make Your Website Stand Out

You (or your web designer) worked hard to create a pristine website that not only reflects the latest and greatest in technology, but represents the values and vibe of your company.  Your content may be top-notch as well, but does it look any better than your competition?  More importantly, does it hit all the right marks with your audience?  Creating a website that stands out is crucial when presenting your business online.  Below you’ll see just how to go about creating a website that stands out.

Plan before you design

We very well could say that your website is one of the most important business investments you’ll ever make.  Thus, jumping into a design on a whim will likely result in regret and lost sales down the road.  To create a successful website you must incorporate numerous elements that must tie together seamlessly.  Tricky, yes, but completely manageable with the right insight.  Consider your product offerings, your brand, your business model and your short and long-term marketing strategies.  Draw up an outline and mock-up for your site and then incorporate your elements, one at a time, before launching into the actual creation.  If you approach design carefully and with all aspects in mind, you’ll greatly improve your chances of publishing an effective site that lives up to your expectations and truly stands out.

Make it personal

Whether your business has a sappy start-up story or not, make your website personal.  If you want a website that showcases the unique value of your company, incorporating overused stock photos isn’t the way to go.  individualized your site by taking professional photos that reflect your vision and brand.  Make and publish videos that showcase the value of your business from a personal point of view.  These elements will produce better results than generic graphics or stale photos of grinning salesmen.

Hire professionals

Unless you’re an accomplished web designer and copy-writer, don’t attempt to build a website.  Your site is a direct reflection of your business and your brand. Therefore, you need to build an online presence that shines, compelling content that connects with your visitors, and a truly interactive experience that keeps your customers engaged and coming back for more.  Hire experienced professionals, like the web designers at Windy City Web Designs, and manage their efforts carefully.  The collaboration will create outstanding results.
