How to Keep Your Newsletter Out of Spam

by Apr 25, 2013Website Design

How to Keep Your Newsletter Out of Spam

With a more mobile society, email newsletters have become the gateway to business websites. But with the widespread use of this strategy, consumers are more likely to mark emails as spam. With consumers’ shorter attention spans and bombardment with advertisements, businesses need to find a way to hold the audience’s interest. Windy City Web Designs suggests some solutions to keep your email out of spam.

1. Use a Reputable Email Service and Abide by Their Rules

Avoid providers that will overwhelm your consumers’ inboxes and don’t sell yourself too hard. This can make you seem unreal and robotic. Dedicating yourself to your brand’s message makes your business memorable and realistic. If the consumer knows who’s sending the email, they’ll feel a more personal connection and commitment to your brand. Also do not send your newsletter to customers who did not ask to be subscribed.

2. Treat Your Readers Well

Readers are more likely to keep subscribed if they look forward to your emails. You can include exclusive coupon codes and fill them in on the inside scoop. They’ll have an advantage being subscribed to your newsletter and therefore a better attitude toward your business. Do something interesting and new too. You don’t want to send a billion boring emails a month – you want to engage your customer, just like it were a conversation with them. Also allow subscribers to unsubscribe. If you notice a decline in your mailing list, you might want to review and revise your newsletter’s content.

3. Pay Attention to Spam Reports

If your newsletter does get marked as spam, take note of it. Compare successful emails to the not so successful ones and adjust them. Understanding what the customer likes and dislikes is a key to understanding the details of your target audience. Catering to their tastes will create a better image and build more traffic to your website.

To start utilizing newsletters, Click Here.
