Don’t Make Microsites – Create Authority Sites

by Sep 30, 2013Website Design

Don’t Make Microsites – Create Authority Sites

Forget micro-sites. Focus all your time, money and resources on building one authority site at a time. It’s no more risky to have one big site than dozens of little sites. Plus, when your site gets authority status it works more in your favor then when a micro-site does.

Things may be dandy when you have multiple  micro-sites ranking on top of Google, but when your rankings drop the issue multiplies by the amount of micro-sites you have. Micro-sites often represent a bad investment of company resources. If you have multiple sites, you not only have to manage each site, software, content, user interface, and hosting, you have to manage how the sites interact with each other. Who’s to tell if you link from the main webpage to the micro-site or from the micro-site to the main page? How do you build authority on the micro-site domain? How do you take that authority over to the main domain? If you have a chance to publicize your site, do you link to the main site or to the extra and unneeded micro-site? All of these unending questions and difficulties can be nonexistent if your company has an authority website instead of multiple micro-sites.

It’s important to understand that separate sites are not bad: the Internet is built on a diversity of multiple sites. A micro-site is meant to be quick and messy, easy to put up and take down, small, simple and disposable. Small, quick, and easy does not translate into success on the Web. Instead of attempting to use messy micro-sites, create a blog for your authority (main) website.  Blogs are much more beneficial than any micro-site and easier to manage.

Windy City Web Designs is an experienced company committed to help you design achieve the perfect authority site for your business. On the other side of the spectrum, Windy City Strategies is based on the same standards. Once Windy City Web Designs has created a fresh website for your business, Windy City Strategies can help you with all your internet marketing needs, including creating a busy and beneficial blog.
