Designing Emails For A Mobile Device

How do you normally check your emails everyday? Through your cell phone right? About 65 percent of all emails they are opened up on a small screen device.

When it comes to email marketing, you need to be aware of how your messages look no matter the size of your screen that your audience is going to be using. Think about how they are reading and interacting with your emails in today’s mobile world.

First steps to creating this message would be to grab your reader’s attention! Get them to click and open up that email. Take a look at your own mobile inbox, and you should notice these key elements if all of your messages:

  • From (Your Name): Telling people whom the message is from.
  • Subject (Give it a title): Telling people what the email is about.
  • Pre-header: Gives the reader an idea of the content in the email is.

Once you get someone to open your email you only have a couple seconds to keep their attention before they take action. Look at your subject line and preheater are giving your readers what they expect to see when they first open the email.

Once you get your readers to open the email, keep these helpful tips in mind!

Positioning: Your message needs to be focused, and have the primary piece of information that you are trying to get across your audience. No more than 2 or 3 secondary messages. Give yourself a goal for your emails, and if you could get just one piece of information across what should it be?

Formatting: Biggest time consuming issue with most people, is how quickly they are able to scroll and scan for information. Start by formatting the email content for reader’s who like to scan, starting with a short header message that sets up the content for when your reader’s are about to read it. Replace big paragraphs with quick sentences that your reader’s know what your doing, and why it’s so important for them to read, and take action.

Imagery: Insert an eye-catching image that can help tell the reader what your content is all about. For example, if you are a nonprofit organization and are looking for donations, you can include that image that is showing how those funds will be used. Other retailing businesses use the image that displays what products they are promoting.

As a helpful hint, don’t over load your emails with images, because you might risk the chance at the images either not showing up on the mobile device, or it might turn off the displaying images by default.

Call To Action: After setting up your message on a mobile device, your next task to make sure your readers are understanding what you are wanting them to do. If your message is to have your readers come visit your store, come to an event, or any thing else you wanted to offer, it’s important to make the clear statement on want you want them to do. By giving them the information they need and how they can take action.

Now if you next action is for them to visit your website online, include a link to your store, so they can register for any event that you are offering, or to shop. This makes it visible for the readers and it’s an easy click on all types of screens.

Tip! Remember that your readers on a mobile device and have to remember they are using their finger to click and scroll. Avoid stacking multiple links together, because you can cause confusion. Or just include a button that links straight to your site, to makes things even easier!

For more information about how to create better emails for a mobile device contact Windy City Web Designs.
