Cleaning Up Your Website Design

by Jun 13, 2014user friendly website, Website Design

Cleaning Up Your Website Design

A great website, is designed to draw in a visitors attention and provide them with the information they are looking for quick and easily. In order to do this, here are a few steps that are important to consider for your website:

1. Have a great logo– Your logo can say a lot about your company. It is sometime the first impression people have on your business. Make sure it is sleek and clean and if it has a tagline is easily read and is understandable as to what your business does.

2. Clean Navigation– Create a navigation bar that is not cluttered and includes drop-down menus which include appropriate individual pages to help increase your SEO.

3. No Clutter– Do not overcrowd your website and include too many options and items for people to choose from. Make sure pages do not have competing calls to action or visual clutter that would draw the visitor’s eyes away from the most important part of the page.

4. Strategic Colors– Using mostly neutral colors can help your site project an elegant, clean and modern appearance and adding color in small amounts are great for call-to-action items.

5. Professional Pictures– While adding your own pictures is always a plus, using professional high quality pictures can draw a user attention and increase there changes of purchasing or signing up. Your own pictures sometimes are better utilized on a gallery page rather than a homepage, or be sure to higher a professional photographer to capture your work.

6. Consistent Font– A typical rule of thumb is to only use 3 fonts on a website. There are hundreds of fonts and unfortunately, many of those fonts are not readable on most computer. Sticking with Google fonts is a good option to make sure everyone can read your content.

7. Every Page Should Sell Itself– When designing a website, you should design it with the idea of each page selling itself. Providing the user with the appropriate information, call-to-action buttons or ability to easy purchase. Users should not have to visit several pages in order to convert.

If your website is in need of some upgrading and you would like to discuss your website options with a designer, contact Windy City Web Designs today.
