Websites with Aesthetics and Utility

by Jul 3, 2013Website Design

Websites with Aesthetics and Utility

When designing a website, it’s easy to get caught up in aesthetics, but its utility and ease should not be forgotten. Consumers want information fast, so Windy City Web Designs suggests the following strategies to achieve a user-friendly design.

1. Organized Navigation

If users can’t find the information they want quickly, most likely they’ll abandon your website. Menu bars should be prominent on a website and include understandable categories. Having clear and concise categories will direct visitors effortlessly to what they’re looking for. If you have a large stock of products or services consider having a search box to ease navigation. Lastly, avoid acronyms that may confuse users. Your visitors might be unfamiliar with your industry and repelled by something you regard a common knowledge.

2. Readability

Overwhelming amounts of content might make your business’s products and services seem hard to understand. Organizing this information into simple, scannable snippets will get your message across just as well. Take note of the content’s color, font, and formatting too. Use contrasting colors to highlight your most important information, simple fonts to ease reading, and organized formatting, like bullet points, lists, and bolding.

3. Mobile Friendly

Today mobile device searches are skyrocketing above desktop search. Smart phone and tablet users’ claim to access the Internet using a mobile device more frequently than desktop computers. Having a website that’s mobile friendly insures your business’s availability anywhere the consumer goes. This shows your business’s commitment to responsive customer service and attentiveness to all potential clients.

Click here to create a website with beauty and utility today.
