Balancing Composition For A Website

I want to explain why having balance of composition for your website is important. By gauging the overall composition you are going to feel better about how things should be laid out and how it will be presented to users. This process is a bit lengthy, by adding icons, typography and a wire-frame process.


Picture yourself as a new user, think about some aspects on what to do on the site, and where would you be able to find the functions.Two types of websites, static and dynamic. Static is for companies you have simpler needs and how often they present information on products or services. Dynamic is for those who needs more interaction like signup forms, buttons or search fields. The idea on how to create a page with elements is by drawing attention. Arrange a simple list of what the website’s primary goals are and go with them.

Stability With Whitespace

The use of whitespace is one of the biggest parts of any composition. For example paintings, websites, composition for music, and any other sort of designs. Having space between the content above and below gives the user a chance to look through the site easily. Having things too tight and difficult to read makes the user want to leave the site.

Having A Pattern

Z-layouts and F-layouts are the generic stencils for crafting a interface. The endpoints represent noteworthy locations on your page and they are easily able to draw someones attention. There is a science behind patterns, balance and symmetry, where there is also an art in composition.


3 core principles of color are hue, saturation and value. Hue is a choice of color, while saturation intensifies a color  to white. Where as value is the measurement of color that is on a sliding scale from dark to light. Value is one of the more important aspect of designs and art. It has more meaning to it and measures the other values on the page.


Study other great websites to give yourself ideas and inspiration on what to do to your own site. Analyzing and copying will help you remember patterns of a great composition.


For more information contact Windy City Web Designs on how to balance  your website

